Gallivanting Around Southern France


So I forgot my computer cord in Orlando... but I didn't forget my beautiful silk blouse!! 

No problem, I ordered a French cord for my Mac here in Avignon, it took a week to get but Voila! Here I am, back online and with a lot to show you!!

Our First Few Days were spent getting our bearings, checking out our village Gaujac and grounding ourselves... that took several bottles of amazing French wine and some sleep  :)


The Palace des Papes

Our First stop was beautiful Avignon, only a 30 minute drive through the countryside of vineyards and we were in a thriving ancient city! With lots of fabulous stores to shop in and a palace built by the Popes in the 14th Century! 

I was inspired by the patterns, images and colors of the frescos, tiles and wallpapers found in the Papal Palace and I could only imagine how opulent  these Roman Catholic Popes lived in those days.